Saturday, December 3, 2011

November 2011, SanTan Valley & Peralta Trail Head

To the left is a cotton field in the SanTan valley that had not been picked yet. This is one of the few fields that had not been harvested. Usually at this time of year they have all been picked by this time in November. To the right is a little tarantula that we encountered on a hike going up the Peralta trail head. This trail goes up to Weavers needle(below right) and is one of the more interesting hikes in the Arizona area. The trail head begins at an elevation of approximately 2300 feet goes up 1300 more feet to an elevation of between 36 and 37 hundred feet. It is all uphill and ascends 1300 ft in less than 2 1/4 miles but once to the top the view is spectacular. Below left is a view of the valley below that we started the climb from, also there is a little balancing act going on on one of the rock formations.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 13th, D-Arcy Ranch golf course, Okotoks, AB, Canada

 As we prepare to go South for the winter we had a chance to get our final rounds of golf in before the snow flies. It was a beautiful day with deer roaming around on the course and a breathtaking view of the mountains from the Club house. This is one of the two courses that we worked at and both are situated in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains where the golfing is grand and the landscapes around are very picturesque. We are heading south from here to Arizona to take in some desert golf and mellow out for the winter but we will be back to this in the spring to do it all again.

September 3rd, 2011 Okotoks, AB, Canada

Ah! Fall in September, we had a slight dusting of snow in the mountains but it was still green around the town of Okotoks. To the right is a picture of a a huge rock that stands alone in the middle of a wheat field. This rock was left after the ice age and can be observed from the highway that leads to one of the golf courses that we work at. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 1, 2011 - Okotoks, AB, Canada

Spring in Alberta eh!
This is what it looked liked on April 2, next day it was in the high 30 to 40 degress and is melting away causing some major fooding issues. It's hard to golf in weather like this.We anxiously await Spring. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 18, 2011, B.C.& Alberta, Canada

On February 18th we returned to our native Canada through customs in the Southeast part of British Columbia.  We were a little shocked to see all the snow and cold weather. It was minus 28 C but the roads were clear for the most part and the driving was not too bad. It is nice to be home again but not to crazy about all the snow. Just have to hang on for a couple of months and we will be on the golf course again for the summer.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 12, 2011 - Indio, California (Palm Springs)

We are staying at a County Park, Lake Coachella located in La Quinta, California, located 10 miles east of  Palm Springs. It  is a golfers paradise, with high end golf courses everywhere, golfing is a real treat. The temperature today is 80 degrees and golfing on the course with the snow capped Santa Rosa mountains in the background make it a picturesque scene. Luscious green grass, flowers, endless  date palm trees and acres of vegeables growing making this area so beautiful. There were plenty of roadrunners out and about on the golf course admiring the nice day.

February 9, 2011 - Indio, California - Salton Sea

Salton Sea
The Salton Sea is a story that has evloved over hundreds of thousands of years. It lies a few miles south of Palm Springs, California and at one time was a water playground for all. This large mass of water stands out in the middle of the desert, 15 miles from one shore line to another and 35 miles long covering an area of about 400 square miles. Standing at the shoreline you are 227 feet (69 meters) below sea level and to put this in perspective it is only five feet higher than the lowest point in Death valley. This lake is saltier than the ocean and is becoming saltier every year with more decay of dead fish and other substances that run off into this area.The beach if you can call it that is not sand but layers upon layers of barnacles and bones from millions of fish that have expired here in mass die-offs over the years. Once a thriving community with lots of land to sell it has now become just about inhabitable. The smell from the sulfuric decay is to say the least overwhelming and the only fish that can now survive in this salty mess is a fish called talipia