Monday, September 10, 2012

Our Best Friend

                                                                                                                                                  Monday, Sept 10, 2012
Today was a sad day for our family as we lost a very special pet and friend. These are a few pictures of our dog Ripley who has enriched our lives in the 10 years that we had him. For those of you that have ever met our dog, knew how special he was to us. We got him when he was only a few months old so he never knew another family but ours. He was always there for us and showed nothing but unconditional love to all our family. He was especially very protective of Susie, he was mommies little shadow and where ever Susie was Ripley was right there. Ripley was a great traveling companion and had never missed a vacation with us and since retirement has always been by our side. You only had to mention the word camping or vacation and he would get very excited. He, especially loved going to the ocean and running up and down the beaches smelling fish and going on hikes or any new adventure, these were some of his geatest joys. We remember Ripley with great happiness and love as he was such an important part of our family. May he rest in peace.

1 comment:

Rex and Nancy said...

We are very sad to hear that you lost Ripley. We know how special he was to you and how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. We hope you can take comfort in knowing that he is happily running and playing in doggie heaven.

Rex & Nancy, Camille & Cody