Sunday, August 17, 2014

Digging For Clams at Fox Point, Nova Scotia

 Today we had an awesome day digging for clams. So at low tide we went out with our rubber boots, a pitch fork and a large bucket and found a place that was abundant with clams. We learned that you have to look for small breathing holes in the sand that the clams make as they dig down and bury themselves in to stay cool. Once you locate a hole then you use your pitchfork and dig down 6 inches and locate the clam right below the breathing hole. We had so much fun. From that point you go to the ocean and rinse the clams and everything else, because you are very muddy. You bring the clams back home in ocean water so they stay alive. Once home you put the clams in a bowl and sprinkle corn meal into the bowl and let the clams eat the corn meal and they spit out the sand. You then steam the clams in the ocean water for 5-10 minutes and enjoy them with garlic butter and beer.
Simply delicious!!  Thanks to John and Lisa for teaching us all about clams, and for preparing a delicious menu of clams and garlic butter. We all had so much fun.

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